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Piazza Dante porticos in Grosseto

The project proposes to restore homogeneity to the place through a series of interventions allowing visitors to perceive the porticos in Piazza Dante as a single spatial experience while keeping the historical and architectural conformation of the individual buildings visible. In this sense, the incongruences and stylistic contrasts have been eliminated by inserting a predominant contemporary wooden element to unify the stylistic language that is currently contrasting and disconnected.
A global project of “urban renewal” that can restore a new architectural identity to the Porticos of Piazza Dante. A false undulating ceiling confers dynamism and continuity to the structure as it uninterruptedly follows the form of the arches and other structures present. The lighting of the porticos was conceived as an integral element of the wooden false ceiling, taking on a primary role in the architectural project by creating uniformly diffuse light. The LED lighting elements producing the homogeneous lighting of the loggiato are hidden from view since they are positioned on top of the wooden false ceiling. Simple furnishings with a contemporary design, clean lines and a neutral colour were chosen, uniting functionality and aesthetics.

Contest of ideas of the Porticos Piazza Dante
Public competition
Project of the new arrangement of the porticos, Definition of the covered space with materials and finishes, Design of the furnishings, Plant and lighting elements.

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